Best Scanner on the Market for the Price
The Canon scanner pictured above is without a doubt the very best scanner on the market for the money. At the time this article was published, you could purchase the Canoscan LiDE 110 from Walmart online for $58! Here are some of the specs that make it such a good scanner:
  • It is small and very light weight.
  • It is powered by a single USB cable which provides both data transfer and power. No need to plug it into an electrical outlet!

  • The buttons on the front allow you to copy, scan, print, etc. by simply pressing the appropriate button. No need to open any software program at all.

  • The door hinge is built to enable scanning books.

Unfortunately, you will probably not find this scanner in any stores in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.
Click here to order from Walmart
($58 as of October 2012)

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