- Mission Statement -

Kendrick Information Technologies is a computer and information technology service oriented business whose primary objective is to provide each customer with a level of service that is above and beyond their expectations.  While there are many, many other companies who can provide technical support for any and all technical aspects of information management, we strive to be the best at providing a level of service that is not only unusual in the high-tech industry, but is seldom found in any retail business.  Our primary goal is to provide our customers with a level of service that is so high they will not hesitate to recommend us to anyone who needs the services we provide and to never, ever have an unhappy customer.  We simply treat each and every customer as if they were a member of our family.

Bobby Kendrick
Kendrick Information Technologies
603 E. Hwy. 67, Suite 103
Duncanville, Tx. 75137
Ph/Fx: 972-223-5146   Mob: 214-773-7377